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Toddler Time

20180420-toddler class Toddle Talk-2891.

Fun Activities

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20180420-toddler class Toddle Talk-2916.
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Toddler Time Toddler Classes!

A class designed by Toddle Talk especially for energetic 2 - 4 year olds to enjoy with their parent/carer.

Finding a class to match the needs of a busy toddler can be difficult.  Whilst parents tend to be inundated with a range of options for the first year, once tots are on the move and demonstrating 'free will', some classes simply can't accommodate their needs.


A toddler has to be able to exercise their right to choose - To figure out how to do something on their own (but with the gentle guidance of a parent when a challenge seems too big).


Each toddler class continues to encourage development of social and communication skills by practicing our signing but also having a sound of the week, to get those mouth muscles working!


Each week has an educational theme including numbers, colours, shapes, rhythm and co ordination (both hand and eye and also physical co ordination).


We also have a great mix of age appropriate toddler fun, movement, songs and activities, which will challenge your tot or preschool child both mentally and physically. 


Every toddler class finishes with a refreshment and story, showing your toddler how to be busy as well as still.


Come and join the fun!!




Pre-booking is essential as spaces are limited.

Book Online Now!
Come and Try A Class! Sessions cost just £6.00, so come and have some fun


Spaces currently available on Fridays at Wherstead! Book Now!!


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