Study British Sign Language

So you want to learn British Sign Language?
Whether your desire to learn BSL is for work use, family reasons or just wishing to learn something new, this foundation study (leading to a recognised qualification) is designed to teach learners to communicate with Deaf people using British Sign Language (BSL) on a range of topics that involve simple, everyday language use. You will gain basic skills and confidence in production and reception of BSL.
At the end of the qualification, learners will be able to:
understand and use a range of simple words and sentences in BSL
take part in simple, everyday conversations in BSL
give and follow simple directions or instructions in BSL
give and follow simple familiar statements or descriptions in BSL
Course Details and Duration
Short Study Video Clips to watch and learn
6-8 Zoom group tutorials to put together the signs learnt and practice signing conversation and receptive skills.
Handouts describing each sign and to keep notes
BSL101 Assessment – Introduction to BSL – Practical assessment of skills (completed over Zoom at an agreed date and time)
Cost of the course is £65.00 and this includes the assessment and certificate.
(If you wish to learn and not take the assessment, then the course costs £45)
For more information and to apply
Click Here and Pay Here
Other Services with Ann
Ann also runs Ipswich based Toddle Talk baby signing classes and Baby Massage company Baby Senses. Please visit for more information.
Your Instructor

Ann Lay
an approved instructor and assessor for Signature since 2016
"Learn this useful language to increase your skills and be able to be more inclusive in your work and home lives'