Toddle Talk with Gail
Hi, I'm Gail and the owner of Whitley bay gymnastics club. Established 1981. Previously working with preschool, nursery and disability.
Delivering CPD to North Tyneside schools and SCITT students preparing them for a future in physical education.
Having nearly 30 years working with children, families, teachers and vulnerable groups bringing active learning through sports I understand the importance of FUN-damental skills!
Now having completed the Toddle Talk Teacher Training Programme and the BSL101 I am happy to be receiving amazing feed back from parents/carers who can see the benefits of toddle talk and how using signing could support their child to a different way to communicate
Please see my Facebook page for full class information.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Call: 07984481823
Come and Try A Class - North Shields and coastal area Mummies!